Everything you need to know to start online Professional Development with Parks & Powers!


Schedule a Therapist Professional Development Consultation from your consultant’s profile page or here.

After scheduling, you’ll receive an email confirmation with the link to your Consultation appointment.

Within 1 business day of scheduling your Consultation, you’ll receive an email invitation to our confidential Client Portal where you’ll complete and submit your intake documents. You’ll need to submit your intake documents at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled Intake so that your Consultant is able to review them prior to your appointment.

Then, just click on the link in the email confirmation to attend your Consultation appointment at the scheduled time. At your Consultation appointment, you and your Consultant will start to plan for what Consultation will look like, how often you’ll meet, and how you’ll know you’re ready to end Consultation.


Schedule a FREE Consultation for online therapy at Parks & Powers Psychotherapy through Acuity Scheduling
Easily schedule, re-schedule,
or cancel your appointments!

You’ll receive an email confirmation of each scheduling activity.

Confirmation emails will provide the link(s) to your appointment(s) as well as a link to easily schedule, re-schedule, or cancel your appointments as needed.

The Acuity Client Mobile App allows you to book and manage appointments. Find the app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

To add Parks & Powers as a business with whom you are able to schedule through the app:

  • Tap Add business
  • From the app home screen, tap +
  • Tap the Business scheduling URL field and enter our scheduling URL: https://TherapistSquare.as.me/

Please note that if you have already created an Acuity Client Account with us and you log in through the app, Parks & Powers will be added to your app automatically.


Meet your therapist online via HIPAA-compliant videoconference
Your appointment will take place
via HIPAA-compliant videoconference.

First, you’ll need to download the Zoom Client for Meetings app to your phone or computer. Then, just click on the link in the email confirmation to attend your appointment at the scheduled time.

Please login several minutes before your appointment to make sure everything is working on your end. To get audio to work, click “use computer audio” or “use internet audio,” if prompted.

Make sure you are in a quiet, private place with a strong internet connection at the time of your appointment. If you have headphones, that helps with the audio. 

If you have any issues connecting to Zoom, please call, text, or email your consultant in advance so that they can assist you or make other arrangements.