We’re currently hiring Clinical Psychologists, LCSWs, LMFTs, and LPCCs!
When we are hiring, our ideal candidate is:
  • Licensed in California as a/an LCSW, LMFT, LPCC, or Clinical Psychologist.
    AMFTs, APCCs, and ASWs may also apply (when we’re hiring for those positions), but can only work with private pay clients as they are not eligible for insurance credentialing.
  • Willing to devote at least 32 hours per week to Parks & Powers Psychotherapy as your caseload grows. This will include a caseload of at least 26 client hours per week for at least 44 calendar weeks each year.
  • Excited to put to work your creative and time management skills to build your caseload. This will be needed in addition to the training and support we provide.
  • Comfortable providing telehealth via videoconferencing and phone (though we only use phone sessions as a backup in the case of internet issues).
  • Experienced, and passionate about working, with at least two of the following modalities/issues [not required, but desired]:
    – couples (including infidelity and other trust issues)
    – depression
    – eating disorders
    – families (including blended families)
    – fertility
    – grief/loss
    – groups
    – LGBTQ
    – parenting (including co-parenting, especially with high conflict)
    – reunification between child(ren) and estranged parent(s)
    – substance abuse
    – play therapy (with both children and their parents)
    – pregnancy/postpartum
    – trauma recovery
  • Wanting to work with at least one of the following populations [not required, but highly desired]:
    – children (ages 4 – 10)
    – preteens (ages 11 – 12)
    – teens (ages 13 – 19)
We offer:

A group practice where you are fully supported, yet operate mostly autonomously within your own schedule – all while having no-cost access to our Private Practice Residency to learn how to launch your own private practice.

  • Pay range: up to $104,000 annually (for full-time employees)
  • Up to 1 week paid time off each year and up to 7 weeks unpaid time off each year
  • Health insurance (100% of employee’s base premium covered) – with dental and options for chiropractic acupuncture, and disability insurance
  • All work hours paid as an employee (W-2)
  • Worker’s compensation insurance coverage
  • Ongoing consultation with partners available to all staff
  • Private practice-specific training (e.g., financials, marketing)
  • Full-time licensed employees are typically credentialed with the majority of our insurances within 45 days of onboarding task completion to help grow your caseload base
  • Flexible scheduling – choose the days and hours you want to work within our operating hours (and live where you want)!
  • Individual profiles on our website and billing/referral platforms
  • Social media presence (i.e., Facebook, Instagram) to which you’ll contribute weekly content
  • Practice-paid marketing to which you’ll contribute content to assist in growing your caseload
  • HIPAA-compliant videoconferencing for your therapy sessions and our practice meetings
  • Electronic Health Record system
  • Online scheduling for your clients
  • Individual phone number for client and collateral contacts
  • Individual company email address
  • Online company documents, learning library, and assessment/treatment resources
  • Virtual Assistant to provide practice administrative and billing support
  • Provide non-therapy services, when you’re interested: coaching, clinical training, and/or clinical supervision
Our therapists provide their own:
  • Confidential workspace
  • High-speed, stable internet access
  • Utilities
  • Cell phone
  • Laptop
Private practice telehealth jobs in California at Parks & Powers Psychotherapy
Are you liking the idea so far?

Many therapists decide they want to start a private practice or join a group practice after being licensed. However, most of them don’t know how to get started. Some clinicians choose to “intern” in an individual or group private practice to accrue hours toward licensure. Grad school, practicum, internships, and even many private practices either:
1) don’t teach the business side of therapy, or
2) barely touch on it.

Shawntres and Danae founded Parks & Powers to help amazing clinicians learn where to start then keep it going. We call the time you spend at Parks & Powers a “private practice residency” for good reason: we’ve crafted a nurturing learn-by-doing environment for therapists to gain the knowledge and skills it takes to build and maintain a successful individual or group private practice. We’ll teach you to launch and grow your own practice!

We are passionate about providing exemplary client care, training clinicians, and entrepreneurship so it was a natural fit for us to find a way to bring our knowledge and skills together to teach both the business and clinical sides of private practice. It’s so fun to be a part of our colleagues clarifying, and then pursuing, their private practice vision!

Many clinicians try to start in private practice… then soon quit to return to the stability that agency work or some group practices offer: a regular paycheck, group health insurance, and a structured schedule mostly dictated by their employer. Some clinicians thrive in that type of environment, but that is not what private practice looks like. To be successful in private practice, you must be private practice oriented.

If you’re a clinician who is private practice oriented, you are…

You have a passion for working with your chosen clients (e.g., demographic populations, diagnoses, symptoms) and a willingness to tell the community, your clients, and your colleagues: what you do, why it’s so exciting for you, and how it helps your clients.


You have a strong desire to build a private practice, develop a specialty, and do anything you need to do to get it off the ground (e.g., consult with colleagues, research the community, network, obtain a certification) and an openness to learning the most effective ways to retain your clients and build a thriving practice.

strong in your work ethic.

You have a desire to work hard, consistently. You don’t expect, nor wait around for, clients to simply be handed to you.


You have a desire to work toward your practice goals and the commitment and accountability to yourself to achieve these goals. You have a willingness to put together a plan, and stick to it, while discovering new ways to build your practice. You have the ability to set a schedule which accommodates your practice’s needs while keeping personal time and “self-care” in mind.


You have a willingness to take clients as they come in the beginning, even if the appointments are not conveniently scheduled back-to-back. You’re ready to create a flexible structure with appropriate boundaries for your work and personal time. Work time may include client care (e.g., sessions, progress notes, treatment plans, supervision/consultation), administrative tasks (e.g., returning client and referral source contacts, bookkeeping, paying bills), growth-oriented tasks (e.g., marketing research and implementation of marketing plans, attending training), etc.

an excellent communicator.

You have the ability to ask productive questions, share knowledge and feedback with your colleagues, and contact the appropriate person, in a timely manner, when you need help.


You are committed to showing up, prepared, for supervision/consultation groups, team meetings, trainings, and other scheduled events in your practice.


It takes time to build a practice and many therapists become discouraged with their first few paychecks. Remember, this is a new business for you, and it will take time to establish. You need to be able to plan for, and accept, the multitude of challenges that come with building and maintaining a private practice. The money will come – like everything, it’s a process.


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